Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm kinda Happy!

This morning in the bath I decided to weigh myself. I din't want to weigh myself untill next wens. but I did anyway. I thought I would be really depressed afterwards but nope. I lost 3 pounds! I dont know how. I think it is because I decided to not eat when I get home from work. I get home from work around ten! so I never should have been eating that late but were are tight on money so I didn't want to go out and buy food at work. Iusually get home and cook my husband and I food then watch TV. yeah sounds lazy. Well that means I have 1 more pound untill my short goal.
Well other than that I read a book the other day called Skinny Bitch. yep. First there were like no good reviews for this book but I got it anyway. I liked it. Fisrt I should tell you that I am vegitarian. I was vegan for a really long time then I decided to eat cheese and stuff. that is when I started to get Fat. This book is basically promoting Vegan. and it is the truth. (I believe) Being vegan does make you alot healthier and skinnier. That is if you dont eat just junk food. So that is why I decided that other day to be Vegan again. I already feel good. mabey that also contributed to the loss of 3 pounds? Anyways this book tells it to you straite. It also has a menus for a whole month. and it is easy too. I don't know if I will follow it but at least I am trying to only put good things in my body. the book also talked about fasting. It got me kinda interested. I have been told before that fasting would do some good and clean my bod out.
There is different kinds like juice fast, raw fast(just raw fruits and veggies), and a water fast. I want to try one. If I am going to fast I would eighter do a juice or water. I have fasted for three days before and It did really make me feel better but i broke and ate crappy again. This time Im not. hopefully that is. Its just so hard when you have to cook for your husband and kids you know. I will try then tell you want happens along the way. only for a couple of days though.
And I cleaned the crap out of my house yesterday. I got a day off. so I cleaned all my clothes even. Sunday I want to get all my clothes 'I havent worn since I was skinnier and get them out of my house. I want to take them to salvation army. along with all my husbands old clothes.

So some goals i want to set are-- no sugar (its so hard it addicts you)
-- lots of water
-- no eating late
-- geting exercise (yuck)
-- and an easy one Im VEGAN no dairy for losing weight and
for animals sake.

I cant wait till i get to 185. I will smile all day. Then set another goal:)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My first post!

Well I'll start by telling you all about me. I'm 22. Been married for six years. I married when I was 16. Now I have two kids Taj is 5 and Olivia is 1! I love them to death. My husband and I own a business with two locations. So that means I work at one and he works at the other everyday.(almost) We work all day long we leave the house at 8:00 a.m and get home at 10:00 p.m. Luckly we get to keep our kids with us all day. Owning a business is hard. Sometimes I wish I was doing something eles. I would love to be a teacher. Life is a little stressfull nowdays. I am soo busy and I dont have time to really take care of myself. So that means my body is awfull right now. It adds to the stress alot. I think about my weight pretty much every hour i am awake. So I NEED to change. I want to feel happy about myself. I want to wear a skirt!
I have gained a lot of weight. My losest weight was 114 (i am very short). I felt great. I remember not even feeling bad about myself. I also remember my husband complimenting me! If you knew my husband you would be shocked. I had my daughter a year ago and I weighed 169 when I got out of the hospital. I thought with breastfeeding and all that I would be at 130 by now. But nope now I weigh even more. 189. CRAP.
So hopefully I will meet some of you. I hope it will help me talking to other people who are wanting to change too. All my freinds are skinny so its kinda embaressing to talk to them about it.
* I am 5'2 and weigh 189.
* I would love to get to 130. all these websites say healthy weight would be 117-122 for my
* My first goal will be small how about 185.
I dont have the laptop everyday so I will try to weigh in every wens or thurs.